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Ortofon O-Two DJ-Headphone

Ortofon O-Two DJ-Headphone



Ortofon O-Two DJ-Headphone
Ortofon O-Two DJ-HeadphoneThe Ortofon O2 provides strong, loud signal output and rugged construction to easily withstand the rigors of DJing.The high sensitivity of Ortofon O2 allows for use with any DJ mixer and can even compensate for mixers no matter the quality of the headphone amplifier. The Ortofon O2 is perfect for use with a virtually unlimited array of equipment - including portable music players, and the inclusion of a gold plated 3.5/6.3 mm jack adaptor ensures compatibility with virtually any audio device. Additionally, its 114 dB SPL guarantees that DJs can achieve the volumes that they require, regardless of environment in club, studio or home.With the closed design and flexible earcups, DJs can choose the amount of isolation they require for cueing and mixing. The Ortofon O2's rugged and durable headband and earcup construction ensures hard-wearing, road worthy performance. With highly accurate sound reproduction, the Ortofon O2 sonic capabilities are applauded by DJs, musicians and discerning listeners alike. The sound is optimized for DJing and mixing which allows the user to distinctly hear the details they want to focus on without losing control of other aspects of the sound.

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